Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Living My Dharma

I know, I know the title of my blog sounds like I would be this complex, conscious being right?  Not quite.  The reality is I’m trying to figure all that out.  By “dharma”, I mean the purpose of my life.  What is it exactly?  I mean the first thing I think of when I hear the word “dharma” I either think if the Dharma Initiative (http://lostpedia.wikia.com/wiki/DHARMA_Initiative) on that TV series Lost or that other show Dharma and Greg (http://www.tv.com/dharma-and-greg/show/182/summary.html).  I wonder if a simpleton like me can figure out the meaning of my life and the purpose of it.  How can I serve the universe, my partner, my daughter and more importantly myself???

So that’s what my blog is about.  The journey of trying to figure out what the heck I’m here on this earth for.  I’m writing from my heart, I will try to do my best to articulate how I feel but I am no writer.  Recently, I found out that there are fake bloggers out there.  Individuals that pretend to write about a place they have been to before or make an opinion about something they say they have experienced but really have not.  For some reason I find this very discouraging.  There is a lot of information out there, ok a lot of junk but I innocently thought blogs were real.  Naïve of me.  Anyway I’m trying to say that my blog is real and I’m really a person that just wants to share my reactions and experiences to the world and see how it feels to put it out there.

I hope to use this blog as a way to be consciously creative.  I want the universe to know I am here and I matter.  I know deep down inside I am an artist.  I have been experimenting with painting, photography and writing and know that somewhere, somehow I can strengthen the connection with myself by tapping into my creative power.

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